Multi Rig Systems

Multi-rig systems

More than 20 years ago Danish fishermen, with assistance from the Danish Fisheries Institute developed the three-warp, twin rig system, which showed significant results compared to towing a single trawl.
This development is today recognised as one of the most significant developments in Demersal fisheries.
In the year 2000 Cosmos presented the next step within multi-rig fishing, when launching the triple trawl system for larger deep sea shrimp trawlers.
The objective was to increase the bottom coverage by closing the gab between the two twin-rig trawls.

In the year 2018 Cosmos has developed a quadrig, 4 trawls in 5 wires.
This system is designed for future newbuild vessels.

The recent years there has been a great driving force to increase the efficiency of multi-rig systems. Onboard smaller and medium size vessels targeting species situated close or hand on the bottom such as prawn, shrimp, flat fish etc. the latest trend is using four trawls in a crowfoot using 3 wires.

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